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Email Subscription For TypePad / TypePad (Japan) Blog using Feed Burner

On my blog you can see Email Subscription option for visitors. This is very useful for visitors who is willing to receive updates of my blog via email (This email address can be any email address not just Gmail)

To configure email subscription first make sure following things:
  1. You must have feedburner.com account if not click here
  2. You must have customized your blog's feed using feedburner feed if not click here
After all these you can follow bellow steps to add email subscription option to blogger's blog.
  1. Log in to feedburner.com and from home page click on the feed name you wanted to customize.
  2. Click on "Publicize" tab
  3. Click on "Email Subscriptions" link and if you have not yet activated email subscription feature than click on "Activate" button
  4. After activation is done you can see the screen as bellow
  5. In this screen select "TypePad" or "TypePad (Japan)" option in the drop down for "Use as a widget in" and click on "Go!" button
  6. This will redirect ti TypePad Login page. Login using your TypePad account and follow the steps.
Related Articles:
  1. How to create Feed Burner account ?
  2. How to customize blogger's or TypePad's feed using feed burner ?
  3. How to redirect your Blogger feed to your FeedBurner feed ?
  4. How to provide email subscription option for Blogger or blogspot blog using Feed Burner ?
Nipun Tyagi. Powered by Blogger.